About Me

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Hi i'm Shania and I go to Riverina School. I have a friend called Nina, Serena and Eilis and my favourite teacher is miss ross she's the best

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tuesday 20th October 2009

LI - We are learning how to write an argument.
PLI - I am learning how to add more ideas to my writing.


In my opinion I believe that the computer is not fun like miss ross and they don't have emtion
Thursday 24th September 2009

PLI: I am learning how to use paragraphs.

LI: We are learning how to write a narrative story.

Down beneath the deep blue ocean, lived a glamorous mermaid who had long hair like Repunsel.

The ocean was a nice blue colour. When she swam the blue colour reminded her about her favourite place called the Diamond Ocean.

The diamond Ocean was a nice place because she met a person and they became friends because when she went to the diamond ocean she was looking for the King but she bumped into her and they were talking and they said can we be best friends and they both said yes and that's how they became friends.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Scary Castle

Wednesday 23rd September 2009

Learning Intention: We are learning how to write a narrative story.
Personal Learning Intention: I am learning how to write in paragraphs.

The castle steps were cold and I hear someone tip toeing around the big huge castle I see my Dad stealing my homework bo
ok to see if everything is right then I hear lots of creaking sounds from my helper going on to the steps and then I suddenly smelt something that is cooking in the kitchen.

I went there it was my helpers cooking some cookies for the breakfast. I felt scared because it was night time and there could have been ghosts flying around to get me, my friends, my family and my helper. Actually I thought it might just get me because all of my family, helpers and friends were sleeping - I'm the only one awake!!!!

my friends

My cool and little friends

My cool and little friends